Jornada 33 – Cabelo de peido

Algo de diferente hoje no Cavani, onde não se falou apenas do futebol na relva mas também na componente organizativa e associativa que está subjacente às mudanças estruturais que vão acontecendo atrás dos panos e cuja existência pode colocar em perig…vá, não foi assim tanto tempo, tenham lá calma. Passou-se disso para Portimão e logo de seguida para o Dragão onde o Sporting nos visita já esta sexta-feira. Divertiram-se pois os Cavanis a encontrar o melhor onze e chegaram à conclusão que…serão onze. Quais? É só ouvir, gente.

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Uma opinião sobre “Jornada 33 – Cabelo de peido

  1. Ainda so consegui ouvir um terco do programa (muito trabalho, temperaturas negativas, uma tempestade com o nome da minha fila e veve as pazadas por todo o lado). Mas fica aqui uma ajuda desinteressada para o Silva entender melhor:

    “The Premier League is the organising body of the Premier League with responsibility for the competition, its Rule Book and the centralised broadcast and other commercial rights.

    However, we do not operate in isolation. We work proactively and constructively with our Member Clubs and the other football authorities to improve the quality of football, both in England and across the world.

    The Member Clubs of the Premier League
    The Premier League is a private company wholly owned by its 20 Member Clubs who make up the League at any one time.

    Each individual club is independent, working within the rules of football, as defined by the Premier League, The FA, UEFA and FIFA, as well being subject to English and European law.

    Each of the 20 clubs are a Shareholder in the Premier League. Consultation is at the heart of the Premier League and Shareholder meetings are the ultimate decision-making forum for Premier League policy and are held at regular intervals during the course of the season.

    The Premier League AGM takes place at the close of each season, at which time the relegated clubs transfer their shares to the clubs promoted into the Premier League from the Football League Championship.

    Clubs have the opportunity to propose new rules or amendments at the Shareholder meeting. Each Member Club is entitled to one vote and all rule changes and major commercial contracts require the support of at least a two-thirds vote, or 14 clubs, to be agreed.

    The Premier League Rule Book serves as a contract between the League, the Member Clubs and one another, defining the structure and running of the competition.

    Any serious breach of the Rule Book results in an independent three-person tribunal sitting to hear the case, ascertain guilt and set the punishment, which can range from fines to points deductions and, in extreme cases, expulsion from the competition (this has never happened in the history of the Premier League).”

    E e por isso que funciona tao bem. Sao uma empresa. Todos tem a mesma participacao e peso nos votos. Ao ser despromovido perde essa participacao e passa-a ao promovido. Nao ha clubes com maior presenca. Ha um interesse financeiro distribuido equitativamente por todos porque todos tem as mesmas accoes. Nao e dificil copiar se funciona bem, so nao ha e interesse de quem esta la. Eu quero um Moreirense a lutar pelo campeonato, nao quero um Moreirense a lutar para nao levar 7. Quero um Braga a disputar ate ao fim com o meu clube, nao quero um Braga a achar que fez um grande campeonato porque ficou em 4o. Na Premier League tambem ha desniveis, mas esses sao intrinsecos a gestao e genese de cada clube (disso ninguem pode fugir mas a culpa ja e de cada clube e nao da competicao em que se inserem). Abracos!

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